Wagner & Glass Wein Etiketten

three elegant wine bottles with black and white labels printed with hot foil stamping

Eigentlich ist das Traditionsunternehmen Wagner & Glass in der Modebranche beheimatet. Und zwar als einer der größten Corporate Fashion Produzenten Österreichs. Darüber hinaus gilt es aus den erlesenen Trauben der eigenen Weinberge rund um Wien den traditionellen Hauswein zu gewinnen. Warum also in die Ferne schweifen, wenn das Gut(e) so nahe liegt. Das Design entspricht

Lustenauer Senf Kaviar

Das Lustenauer Senf Team hat sich wieder etwas besonderes einfallen lassen: Senf Kaviar. Wir sagen dazu auch R(h)ein Beluga, auch wenn das Ganze absolut nichts mit Fischeiern zu tuen hat. Höchstens der Name vielleicht. Der Clou an dieser Produktinnovation: Die Senfkörner saugen sich voll und quellen auf, werden weich und knackig. Erst im Mund platzen


LEAFLING is a product innovation in which plant seeds in the form of letters, symbols, graphics or signs are applied to natural fibre pads. When the pad is moistened, the seeds begin to germinate and grow as living signs and shapes. No earth is needed for this.

Lustenauer Senf spice mixes

The knowledge the people at Lustenauer Senf acquired over four generations about the correct spice mixes has now given rise to a new in-house spice range. The packaging is inspirited by India and especially by Indian animals.

Lustenauer Senf

The traditional mustard factory from Lustenau is a piece of Vorarlberg cultural heritage in the fifth generation. Hagen Gestaltung has been supporting Lustenauer Senf for more than ten years and is responsible for the meticulous upkeep and development of their corporate identity, their image prints as well as their packaging and labels.

Fashion Store Morscher

The tissue of the material used is translated into a typographic pattern by use of duplication. This typographic pattern forms the visual appearance of the tailor’s shop, a pattern which - on the rear side of the individual media - is eaten up by a moth.

Chocolate packaging

Edelbitter Schokolade Verpackung aus handgeschöpftem nepalesischem Himalaya Papier. Gestaltung Hagen Julian

Exclusive chocolate packaging for handmade special edition light and dark chocolate. Made from hand-crafted Himalayan paper® from Nepal.